Michael Jackson Civil Trial Update [VIDEO]: Prince Takes the Stand Describing Support For Sister Paris Jackson; Spectator Banned From Courtroom

Prince Michael Jackson recently testified in the Michael Jackson civil trial over his death against AEG Live.  His testimony included a harrowing account of Michael Jackson's drug overdose, and the way Michael Jackson's death affected sister Paris Jackson, who is currently in treatment for a suicide attempt.

Prince Michael Jackson described the events of Michael Jackson's drug overdose death for the courtroom in the Michael Jackson Civil Trial: "My dad was hanging half off the bed, and his eyes kind of rolled in the back of his head."

Prince described for the courtroom how much the death of Michael Jackson had affected his sister Paris Jackson: "My sister came upstairs, but we kept pulling her downstairs. She was screaming the whole time saying she wants her daddy

"I told my sister something that my dad always told us, that angels were still watching over him, and there had to be angels on Earth."

Paris Jackson recently attempted suicide by taking 20 ibuprofen and cutting her wrists.  Paris was taken the the hospital.

The family of Michael Jackson is allegedly trying to keep Paris Jackson away from the Michael Jackson Civil Trial, according to a source: "She can't be near that trial or hear the horrible things being said about Michael. He was a saint to her, and she doesn't believe anything bad about her father. She gets so distraught when she hears that stuff."

Watch Michael Jackson Civil Trial Update Video Here:

In other Michael Jackson Civil Trial news, a spectator attending the civil trial over Michael Jackson's death was banned by a judge from watching the proceedings after he snapped a photo in a courthouse hallway.

According to the Associated Press, Bailiffs confiscated the cellphone of the man and ordered him to return on Thursday to find out whether the ban will remain in place or other disciplinary actions will be taken.

The man said he accidentally snapped the photo on his phone while riding an escalator. He cooperated with bailiffs and said he did not send it to anyone.

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