Fatberg London Photos [VIDEO]: Giant Fatty Trash Mass Found in London Sewer; How Does a Fatberg Form?

A video has come out showing the famous London Fatberg, a fatty trash mass found in the sewers of London.

The London fatberg weighs 15 tons and is made of congealed rotting fat and other waste. 

Gordon Hailwood, who is waste contracts supervisor for Thames Water, said of the London Fatburg: "We've never seen a single, congealed lump of lard this big clogging our sewers before.

"Given we've got the biggest sewers and this is the biggest fatberg we've encountered, we reckon it has to be the biggest such 'berg' in British history.

"The sewer was almost completely clogged with over 15 tons of fat.

"If we hadn't discovered it in time, raw sewage could have started spurting out of manholes across the whole of Kingston."

Restaurants who throw their grease down drains rather than disposing of it properly can contribute to Fatberg formation.  It is also important for consumers to put wipes in the trash rather than flushing them, as they cannot dissolve like normal toilet paper.

Watch Fatberg London Video Here:

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