Terrence Howard Denies Threatening Ex Wife And Says, ‘She Threatened Me’ – Has This Divorce Turned Ugly?

Just last week, his ex-wife, Michelle Ghent, accused Howard of physical abuse while they were arguing during a trip to Costa Rica. Oscar-nominated actor, Terrence Howard, refuted all allegations of physical abuse and domestic violence.

The two has been divorced since May 2012. However, TMZ reported that the two recently went on a trip to Costa Rica together with Howard's family. Reports say that the former lovers got into an argument that turned violent.

Michelle Ghent claims went straight to court early this morning to file a restraining order against Terrence due to physical abuse [this is the second time she'll be filing a restraining order against him].

However, TMZ reported that according to the police they acquired, Ghent threatened to kill Terrence and his family while they were arguing. According to Terrence's statements, they just had "a normal married fight". Terrence stated this on his report even though they have already been divorced since May.

Despite admitting to the argument, Terrence claims that he never laid a hand on his ex-wife. TMZ further reported that Terrence would be giving the judge text messages from Ghent last May.

The text messages are said to show an angry ex-wife saying, "I would start hiding if I were u". Several other text messages were also revealed saying things like, "I know where u and ur family live. Watch yourself." and "Be careful when u leave your place. U should move."

It is indeed a roller coaster ride between the two. Who's telling the truth?

It can be noted that this isn't the first time Ghent filed a restraining order against Terrence due to domestic violence. Ghent was granted a TRO against Terrence in 2011.

On one hand, Terrence also asserted that Michelle was diagnosed with paranoia after committing suicide and getting hospitalized just 2 months ago.

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