Nexus 5 Release Date News: Next-Gen Google Smart Phone Arriving Earlier Than October Because of LG G2’s Launch?

New rumors suggest that Nexus 5 release date may be set prior to its alleged arrival in the market October of this year.

International Business Times posted a question in recent post about the possibility that Nexus 5 release date will be much earlier than expected. The article about Nexus 5 release date asks, "Could it be that Google will rollout the Nexus 5 ahead of its rumoured October 2013 release schedule because its supposed doppelganger, the LG G2, will hit retail stores the same day it debuts on August 7?"

The rumor about early Nexus 5 release date started from BGR News, which cited MK News, a South Korean publication. The report also explained that the LG G2 will be first distributed in South Korea, and then the release to other vital markets such as US, UK and Australia will follow.

The launch of LG G2 will most probably push Google to advance Nexus 5 release date, which previous reports suggested that the device will take the limelight at some point in October, alongside the release of upcoming Google mobile operating system, Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie.  

However, there were also rumors that popped up before saying that Nexus 5 release date could be delayed because Google is still looking for a new manufacturer for the forthcoming Android phone, since reports say that LG, the company responsible for Nexus 4, may not work on Nexus 5 anymore.

Meanwhile, Nexus 5's alleged doppleganger, which will debut on August 7 is reported to have the specs such as 2.3 Ghz quad-cored Snapdragon 800, 5.2 inch 1920x1080p full HD display, 2540 mAh battery, 13 MP rear camera, 2 GB RAM, dual stereo speakers, backside touch controls and storage capacity of 16 and/or 32 GB.

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