iPhone 6 Release Date Set For September 27 [RUMOR], Week After iPhone 5S Launch; Asian Supplier Currently Working On IC Audio Chips

iPhone 6 release date may be set for September 27.

With all the news and rumors swirling around online, it only seems that iPhone 6 release date is already on the horizon. In fact, there is a recent report that intensified iPhone 6 release date rumors even more.

The news came from allegedly, one of Apple's suppliers, revealing that they are already in the production process for iPhone 6's IC Audio Chips. A source confirmed to Stabley Times, that an unnamed Taiwan-based supplier is currently working on the audio chip for the iPhone 6. The exact words from the source, as cited by International Business Times, reads "They've already finished with the iPhone 5C IC chip and now the company is on the middle of production on iPhone 6 IC Chip."

Moreover, there is also a new claim, posted by Cross Map indicating that iPhone 6 release date might be set a week after the launch of iPhone 5S, which is rumored to happen on September 20, after iOS 7 launch on September 18.

Reports are saying that the iPhone 6 is the rumoured low-cost iPhone, which are currently dubbed (unofficially) as iPhone Lite and iPhone 5C. The Asian supplier also confirmed to the tech blog site that iPhone 6 release date is going to be set for this year.

Some experts suggest various possible meaning for the 'C' in iPhone 5C such as "Clone" (with design similar to iPhone 5 only with plastic casing) and "Cheap" because it may debut with a price tag from $450 to $550. Crossmap, citing MacRumors also noted that consumers who will purchase the iPhone 6 (Lite or 5C) from carrier subsidies will most likely be able to avail the iOS smart phone with only $99.

Reports also claim various reasons why Apple is pushing for iPhone 6/iPhone 5C release. As IB Times posted, "First, Apple wanted to abolished the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S and to discontinue the release of devices with 30-pin dock connector."

But do not forget, these number of news about iPhone 6 release date are still rumors, and Apple fans are yet to hear a confirmation from Apple regarding official details about the upcoming iOS mobile devices.

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