Peyton And Eli Manning Rap Commercial [VIDEO HERE] 'Football On Your Phone' With Funny Promotion For DIRECTV's Opportunity Letting Fans Watch Football Tablets Or Androids

Peyton and Eli Manning rap commercial goes viral with another funny segment by the brothers who have played police officers in the past, multiple sponsorships and a few appearance on "Saturday Night Live," and oh yeah, Super Bowl champions.

The sons of former NFL quarterback Archie Manning, Peyton and Eli spit their raps with this new DIRECTV commercial where they perform "Football on your Phone," which is the promotion for the T.V. provider.

A Peyton Manning with a strange mullet, walks into the makeup room where Eli is getting his hair done, which also looks a mini-fro. It looked like a bad 1980s music video, but Peyton notices that Eli is watching football on his phone. This is when Eli breaks it down and the two begin to perform a rap commercial.

Eli, a two-time Super Bowl MVP and champion, Peyton a Super Bowl MVP and champion, show their comedy side once again with this creative commercial for the product that has over 35 million subsrcibers.

The video takes place in what looks like a retro-New Orleans. "And what would Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the phone, think about the Manning brothers?" Peyton raps, while Eli responded, "Who cares? Dude's dead," Eli Manning says while busting through a painting of Bell.

Their father actually makes an appearance in the video after they rap about a football making love to your phone, watching a game on the toilet and even while spilling a glass of wine on a woman's dress.

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