Justin Bieber Girlfriend 2013: Cougar Hunting For Sexy Waitress Threesome? ‘Heartbreaker’ Star Leaves Southampton Club With 32, 24-Year-Old Women

Justin Bieber allegedly used a flashlight to handpick two cocktail waitresses working at a Southampton night club on August 5 and invited them back to the private home he was staying at, HollywoodLife reports.

Sophia Rayo, 32, and Diana Bhoksaub, 24, were both working at the South Pointe club and accompanied 19-year-old Justin Bieber back to his residence, HollywoodLife also reports. Fans were left wondering if the "Heartbreaker" star is into older women and threesomes.

Justin Bieber was also spotted romantically hugging a fan at a tour stop in Brooklyn last week, a sign he might be over Selena Gomez or is trying to get her attention.

The fan, Roxanna Morcillo, travelled all the way from Madrid, Spain to see Justin Bieber and has previously met the star at an event in Salt Lake City, Utah, Hollywood Life reports.

But these aren't the first encounters that might have fans wondering if Justin Bieber is trying to get Selena Gomez jealous.

He posted a couple of shirtless pictures of himself getting a tan during a day off from his tour, Hollywood Life reports, adding fire to the rumors about his revenge for the breakup.

Although fans of the couple were clamoring after they were spotted kissing at Selena Gomez's 21st birthday party, she has continually reaffirmed reporters she is single.

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