Half Life 3 Confirmed In Valve Source Engine Photo? Left 4 Dead 3 Also In The Works, Will Both Games Appear At Gamescon?

Amidst rumors and speculations, it appears the first true Valve image may have confirmed the existence of Half-Life 3 is here.

As confirmed by Crave Online, a Reddit user reportedly uploaded photos taken during a tour of the Valve office,, one of which showed the development team's change log.

A change log is an order of task items for programmers, and within it, two names stand out: Source Engine 2, and Left for Dead 3.

Left for Dead 3 is obviously self-explanatory, but the Source Engine is largely believed to be linked with Half-Life 3, as the franchise has always been the one to debut new engines for the Valve studio.

Amidst these rumors, the website Valve Time has also been updating the Valve Project Tracker, which includes Half-Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3, although whether they are truly confirmed remains to be seen.

Other unconfirmed projects include "Stars of Blood," "Return to Ravenholm, "SteamMMO," and "Episode 3."

So far, sources believe the photo showing the log to be legitimate due to its intricacies. Faking an image such as this seems unlike Valve, although anonymous online users could still have made this photo.

With Valve planning to release Steam Box and its relatively thin list of upcoming titles, it seems Half-Life 3 may very well come out this year.

The next gaming convention, Gamescom, will be the first test as whether Half-Life 3 or Left 4 Dead 3 are close to release.

Gamescom will run from August 21 to 25, and with it, rumors are flying regarding the appearances several big titles, including Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 4, and Fallout 4.

GIven that Valve has a Gamescom booth, fans are crossing their fingers for any confirmation!

Only time will tell whether Gamescom will showcase any news on the Valve front.

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