Perseid Meteor Shower August 2013: Lights Up Night Sky With Dozens Of Comets- [PHOTOS], Watch Live Stream Online Here [VIDEO]

The Persid meteor shower is lighting up the sky this August 2013. The Perseid meteor shower was beautiful Monday night, August 12th, and Tuesday, August 13th, is expected to awe star-gazers as well. Below, you can find the best places to watch it online.

The spectacular Perseid meteor shower offers a dramatic glimpse into the heavens this August 2013. The light show has as many as 60 shooting stars an hour.

Although Monday night was the most dramatic night of the Perseid meteor shower show, there will still be dozens of meteors visible to the naked eye every hour on Tuesday.

Backyard astronomers and NASA officials alike have been lining up-or aligning their telescopes-- to stargaze for the Perseid meteor shower.

The meteor shower can be seen from all around the world, and watched online via a video player handily provided by NASA through Ustream.

 Photos of the Perseid meteor shower are spectacular thus far. In some areas, there were almost as many as 100 comets per hour. The Perseid is a popular meteor shower in part becaue it's in summer, making weather friendly for star-gazing and backyard barbecues.

The Perseid meteor shower is due to the yearly rotation of the Earth through galactic debris from "Switft Tuttle", an ages-old comet.

To watch the Perseid metor shower this August 2013, get into a place that's as dark as possible. Turn off the lights in your home if watching in the backyard and let your eyes adjust to the sky by looking up for a few minutes. The show is sure to be spectacular. 2:30 AM EST will be the most intense period.

Of course, for those who don't live in dark areas, there will still be a beautiful live show that can be seen online here through NASA. Watch it here.

Live streaming video by Ustream

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