Boy Finds Diamond! [VIDEO REPORT] 5.16 Carat Gem Worth Up To $15,000 Found At Arkansas' Crater of Diamonds State Park

A 12-year-old North Carolina boy found a five-carat diamond in an Arkansas state park last month.

The boy found the diamond at Arkansas' Crater of Diamonds State Park, the only diamond-producing site in the world where anyone can search for diamonds. But most diamonds are only so small they look like dust.

On average, two diamonds are found per day by park visitors. That are so small they almost worthless. But this lucky boy 12 year old boy found a rare jellybean size diamond that could be worth up to $15,000.

"We were probably there about 10 minutes and I was looking around on the ground and found it on top," Michael Dettlaff told "It was very glassy. Very smooth."

"When I brought this rock out of the bag the guy who's there, he just went bug-eyed and he said, 'Hang on a second. I need to take this to the back room,'" Michael told ABC.

"So then people start coming from everywhere and they're like, 'Oh yeah. It's a big diamond.'"

"If it can get cut and it's valuable, I think I'd probably want to have it cut and sell it," Michael said. "If it's not, well, then it's a souvenir."

The 5.16 carat diamond was renamed by the boy 'God's Glory Diamond' 

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