JYJ Junsu Receives Standing Ovation from Fans

A real star can excel in any setting purely by skill, without relying on a certain type of music genre or stage. By that definition, JYJ's Junsu is a real star. Asia's top idol group member Junsu is popular even on the musical stage. His talent is his secret weapon.

Recently Junsu has been receiving standing ovations after his musical performances night after night.

According to CJ's Entertainment, "Junsu is starring in the musical 'Elisabeth' with the role of Tod (Death) since July.  We're glad that he's able to show you an improved performance, and that fans are enjoying his skills. He's been praised worldwide, earning the nickname 'XiaTod.' He received a standing ovation every day from the 1st showing until now, for a total of 8 performances."

If before Junsu gave off an animalist vibe like that of a black panther, now "XiaTod" is symbolizing death wings with his eye makeup and red lips, and giving off the eerie and deadly vibe of a vampire.

But his biggest weapon is his confidence. As a beginning musical actor he could be nervous, but he isn't. That's because he studies the characters and goes through a thorough analysis of their roles to understand how he himself should act. He impresses the audience with his solo numbers "The Last Dance," "The Shadows Grow Longer," and more.

One "Elisabeth" official said, "After each performance, Junsu reviews his own performance and monitors even the mircro-details of his movements and lines. He really is working hard and putting everything into his stage performances."

Not only that, even the musical industry admires Junsu's talent. It's predicted that this summer, Junsu's musical "Elisabeth" will be the only big stage that is sold out. Everyone is itching to see this talented star work his part on the musical stage, and even overseas fans are eager to see this change. The performance has become a top priority of must-sees for this season, and tickets are getting sold out and now extremely hard to come by. It's rumored that even finding a scalper with tickets to the show is getting hard.

"Elisabeth" was first put onstage in 1992 in Vienna, and has been receiving love for the past 20 years. It is story about a queen who falls in love with Death (Tod), and features Europe's style of music, stage effects, and costume.

Here Junsu plays the irresistible and mysterious charm of "Death," who Elisabeth pines for. Her fate is to fall in love with death.

So far, all 30,000 seats have been sold for the musical starring Junsu, and even limited-view seats have been opened for sale.

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