Simon D Fires Back At Former Supreme Team Partner E-Sens With A Photo Of His Own

Several hours after E-Sens uploaded an old photo of himself and Simon D from the early days of Supreme Team, Simon D fired back with picture of his own.

During the epic diss track war that has spanned the past several days, the former hip-hop partners had not directly attacked one another in their raps.

On Tuesday when E-Sens posted a photo of himself from years ago posing with fans while Simon D stood off to the side unengaged, fans of both had mixed feelings about the intended meaning.

Some argued it was E-Sens's way of expressing his desire to return to the glory days of the duo and expressing hope that the two can leave Amoeba Culture behind and continue on in their careers together, while others considered it a diss in a different form.

Now Simon D has fired back with an equally ambiguous picture. The split photo is of E-Sens alone sporting a rather wacky hairdo.

Again fans are mixed in their reactions to the photo with some seeing it as a diss exchange, but others still maintaining that Simon D also hopes to return to Supreme Team's glory days.

Another theory, however, is that because the picture is of E-Sens alone, it is Simon D's way of telling his former group mate to go his own way.

What do you think the exchange of pictures means in the wake of this diss track battle?

Simon D
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