Girls' Day Spends Time Volunteering in Thailand, 'A Time to Reflect'

Girl group Girls' Day revealed their time in Thailand where they volunteered.

On September 4, their agency revealed that Girls' Day, who are the ambassadors for Plan Korea, had volunteered in Thailand for 4 nights and 5 days and spent time with young girls,

They left on August 26 and returned on August 30 back to Korea.

Girls' Day met with young girls who had children of their own or had no families and stayed with them for the entire trip.

The girls spent time getting to know the girls and listen to their stories and gave them messages of hope and courage.

Girls' Day commented, "Meeting these girls have really given our group a time to reflect on ourselves and to be thankful."

They also commented, "After visiting the girls, we realized that we have received and learned so much from them. We also know that there a lot more things that we should be doing in order to help other girls like them."

On the other hand, Girls' Day recently was appointed ambassadors for Plan Korea and will be busy with any activities.

Girls Day
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