Snake In Starbucks: Extra Jolt In Texas Starbucks Bathroom, As Snake Slithers Into Toilet

Snakes in Starbucks aren't an everyday occurrence, but then, Texas isn't an ordinary place.

A Texas man found a snake in a Starbucks bathroom recently. The San Antonio Starbucks was holding an extra jolt for him...of fear.

"I looked down and looked at the toilet and I [saw] this snake laying across the toilet," said Bruce Ahlswede.

At first, Ahlswede thought the snake was a toy...but then it started to slither. He went to tell an employee.

"I said 'Hey, you know you've got a snake in your bathroom?' And she's kind of freaking out."

That makes sense-most establishments don't want snakes in their bathrooms.

"So we went back in and watched it as it slithered back and around and down underneath the rim of the bowl and right inside," Ahlswede told press.

A photo of the Starbucks toilet snake was snapped by Ahlswede's wife, Michele. The reptile, likely a Texas rat snake, then disappeared down the toilet into the pipes. It had likely made its way into the bathroom via the pipes as well.

The Texas rat snake is a common non-venemous snake, but can grow up to 77 inches long, according to the  University of Texas at Arlington's Amphibian and Reptile Diversity Research Center.

When the San Antonio, TX Starbucks was contacted by press, an employee apparently laughed out loud...but had no comment.

An official spokeswoman for Starbucks said that the company was "very concerned" and that Animal Control has already inspected the store.

What do you think of the Starbucks bathroom snake? Sound off in the comments below!

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