Anthony Weiner Blows Up At Voter In Jewish Bakery During Rosh Hashanah: 'I Think I Put Him In His Place,' New York City Soon-To-Be-Ex Mayoral Candidate Says [VIDEO]

Anthony Weiner got in a shouting match with a Jewish voter that was caught on tape...and it's safe to say that he will not be mayor. [WATCH VIDEO BELOW]

Hours before Rosh Hashanah, Weiner got into an altercation with a Jewish voter at a bakery.

In yet more campaign drama, Weiner yelled at an Orthodox Jew in Borough Park, Brooklyn who suggested he should drop out of the mayoral race.

Weiner wasn't doing well in the polls-he's in fourth place, at 7%, behind Bill de Blasio, at 43%. But getting in screaming matches with your voters is never a good idea.

On Wednesday, hours before Rosh Hashanah, Weiner got into an angry confrontation with a voter who was heckling him. The man called Weiner a "scumbag" and "disgusting" because of Weiner's sexting scandals.

Anthony Weiner's support in New York City mayoral polls has been dropping for several weeks because of scandal. Now, he's got to defend himself after the latest, meltdown.

Weiner fired back at the Jewish voter in an epic meltdown that was caught on tape.

"What rabbi taught you that you're my judge," Weiner can be heard saying on the video, which was captured and put online.

Sure, but a meltdown in which you scream at a voter isn't exactly defense, Anthony....or being a gentleman.

Weiner got in a huge altercation with a voter, an observant Jewish man, which effectively sounded the death knell to his mayoral candidacy.

Weiner tried to control the damage on Twitter, saying that he was was defending himself against a "heckler" and said "that's what mayors have to do sometimes."

He also posted an extended version of the argument himself on the website, which shows another side to the story.

The observant Jewish man did hit below the belt-on Weiner's video, the man can be heard saying married to an Arab," an apparent reference to the candidate's wife, Huma Abedin, who is Muslim.

After the exchange, Weiner told reporters and other people on the sidewalk outside of the bakery who heard the altrecation, "I don't back down."

Watch the video of Anthony Weiner having a meltdown below:

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