Teen Killed By Remote-Controlled Helicopter: Model Copter Enthusiast Scalped In N.Y. Park [VIDEO]

A teenage boy was killed by a remote control helicopter yesterday.

The teenage remote control helicopter enthusiast was flying a 'copter in a New York City park when it "scalped" him, resulting in death.

Roman Pirozek Jr., 19, was a chopper aficionado who posted YouTube videos of his exploits and a member of a club for helicopter hobbyists, the Seaview Rotary Wings Helicopter Club. His father, Roman Pirozek, Sr, is vice president of the club.

Initial reports suggest that the boy was killed by the helicopter's blade.

Pirozek Jr. was flying the helicopter in Calvert Vaux Park, where operating remote control helicopters is allowed in designated areas, when things went sour.

The teen was trying to peform a stunt when the helicopter turned toward him. It hit him at high speed, and one of the rotors took out a "good chunk," according to law enforcement officials.

His friends watched in horror as the boy was killed. Pirozek was pronounced dead at the scene.

Maria Delgado, 13, recounted the horrific scene. "I was playing at the park and we came into the clearing and we just saw a body on the floor," said. "He was just decapitated - the whole top of his head was gone," she told press.

His sister broke down into tears upon hearing about his death.

 "He was the best brother, he had the biggest heart," shis sister, Amy Pirozek, said, crying. "I know today he went out flying by himself, it was his day off. He always protected me and was a good brother."

Pirozek's neighbor, Victor Tommaso, 68.said he was "a real professional. He grew up flying [model] planes with his dad. Flying a helicopter was his passion. He grew up loving those planes."

Pizorek used helicopters that had wingspans of almost 4 ½ feet that could go up to 60 mph in one YouTube video, shown below. Expert Rich Hanson said,

"Flying a RC helicopter is one of the more difficult aircraft to operate," he said. "There are really two common reasons one might go out: pilot error or equipment failure."

Members of the flight club didn't return messages seeking comment.

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