Jared Leto Diet Plan for Weight Loss [VIDEO]: "I Stopped Eating" To Lose 30 Or 40 Dallas Buyer's Club Role, Says Actor; Previous Requiem For A Dream Role Also Required Extreme Weight Loss; What Are The Effects Of Starvation?

Is Jared Leto's Diet Plan For Weight Loss Too Extreme?  Jared says he lost 30 or 40 pounds for his role as an HIV positive transsexual in the Dallas Buyer's Club. 

Jared Leto talked to the Wrap about his diet plan and weight loss for the Dallas Buyer's Club role: "I stopped eating.  It was 30 or 40 pounds.  After a while I stopped counting. It changes the way you walk, the way you sit, the way you think."

Jared Leto also talked to Vulture about his diet plan and extreme weight loss: "Your body goes through weird stages. Sometimes it's hard to hold on to water. But for me, it's not about the most weight I can lose, it's more to represent the character. I'm focused on what it means to be a transsexual woman."

This isn't the first time that Jared Leto has undertaken an extreme diet plan and weight loss for a role.  Leto played the role of a heroin addict in Darren Arronofsky's Requiem For A Dream and reportedly lost 25 lbs for the role.

Jared Leto has also taked about his regular diet plan before, saying he is vegan.  He told British GQ about how he stays looking so young with his diet plan: "I still have plenty of vices, but alcohol isn't one of them. It's probably just down to sleep and diet. If you travel long haul a lot or don't sleep much, it's not going to last very long, that's for sure. I'm pretty healthy so I think that helps a lot. I've been that way for a long time - 20 solid years of eating vegetarian/vegan and taking care of myself. That probably helps the preservation process."

Starvation has many dangerous physical and mental effects, and Jared Leto's diet plan for weight loss is no different.  It doesn't matter what the reason for the extreme weight loss and diet plan is - whether it is a movie role or involuntary starvation - the effects on the body are the same.  In the famous Minnesota Starvation Experiment, researcher Ancel Keys looked at the effects of starvation using men who were conscientious objectors to World War II.  By studying these men under the effects of extreme weight loss and calorie deficit, Keys was able to identify many symptoms of starvation, including obsession with food; a decline in concentration, comprehension and judgment abilities; withdrawal and isolation; and of course many physical effects such as reduced temperature and heart rate.

Watch Jared Leto Diet Plan and Weight Loss For Dallas Buyer's Club Role Video Here:

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