‘Pretty Little Liars’ Halloween Episode: Is Alison Still Alive? What Happened After The Devastating Flood That Hauntingly Changed Ravenswood?

The Halloween-themed episode of 'Pretty Little Liars' entitled 'Grave New World' will  answer the question whether "Queen Bee" Alison is still alive.  In the creepy episode, Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer, clad in their vintage costumes, crash Ravenswood's Founders Day Celebration.

The girls went to the festivity after locating a clue in 'A's' abode that Alison may still be alive. New faces are included in the episode including Miranda whom Caleb meets and Carla, a former sorority mother at the community's Ciceo College.

As opposed to the usual shooting location of 'Pretty Little Liars' in Burbank, California, the team went to New Orleans for cemetery scene. Executive producer Oliver Goldstick details the beautiful yet creepy location:  "I don't even know what city I'm in.  I was in New Orleans, in a cemetery, until 4 o'clock. Please tell me that no one's going to realize that in Pennsylvania, we don't bury people in tombs that are 6 feet high. Please tell me the audience won't notice. The cemetery is beautiful, but it is definitely distinctive."

However, Goldstick further added that the cemetery was very apt for the history that they have created for Ravenswood:  "There's a line in the first episode that talks about a flood that came through Ravenswood at the turn of the century, like the Johnstown Flood, that was devastating. The town never was the same after."

What happened after the flood and how is it relevant to the loss of Alison?

'Grave New World' will be aired on October 22 to be followed by the 'Pretty Little Liar' spinoff series entitled 'Ravenswood'.

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