'Once Upon a Time' Season 3 Episode 5 Spoilers: Will Henry Be A Lost Boy Forever? Can The Heroes Save Neal And Bring Him Back To His Family?

ABC has released an official sneak peek preview of the 'Once Upon A Time' Season 3 Episode 5 entitled 'Good Form'.

The preview commences with a scene involving Hook and Emma. Hook offers his hand to Emma to which the latter replied, "Is that a joke?" Hook merely smiled which hinted the broody and dominating side of the pirate.

Back in Neverland, Henry is still adjusting to his life as a Lost Boy and though several challenges have emerged, he seemed to take delight in a sparring match. What he does not know is that everyone at home is already conducting desperate measures just to search for him.

The preview surprisingly ends with a kiss between Hook and Emma.  Emma's ever-concerned father angrily pulls out his sword and warns the pirate to stay away from his daughter.

ABC has released the synopsis of the upcoming episode:

"During the struggle to save Storybrooke, Neal was shot by Tamara and fell through a portal to the Enchanted Forest - barely alive - where he was found by Aurora, Mulan and Prince Phillip. Although their plan was foiled, Greg and Tamara kidnapped Henry and brought him through a portal to their "Home Office," believing that they might still be able to use him to destroy magic in all worlds. With the aid of Hook and his ship, Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Mr. Gold and Regina used the last magic bean to follow Henry, Greg and Tamara... to Neverland.

First order of business this season: save Henry. But Neverland is a much darker place than you remember, and in order for our heroes to accomplish their mission, they'll have to face a foe more powerful than the Dark One himself. What does Peter Pan want with Henry? Can our heroes put aside their differences and work together? Will Aurora, Mulan and Prince Phillip be able to nurse Neal back to health and reunite him with his family? New fairytale characters will be revealed and old acquaintances will be revisited. So think of a wonderful thought... because our Neverland's going to be a fever dream that just won't break."

'Once Upon A Time' Season 3 Episode 5 will air on October 27. 

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