Obama Catches Fainting Woman During Affordable Care Act Speech [VIDEO]; Woman With Type 1 Diabetes May Have Had Low Blood Sugar As President Acts Quickly To Assist

Obama catches fainting woman during speech: President Barack Obama was giving a speech about the Affordable Care Act, when a woman standing behind him started to have a medical crisis.

Karmel Allison, who is pregnant, also has Type 1 diabetes.  Low blood sugar may have caused her to have a fainting reaction, but Obama's quick reaction caught her before she hit the ground.

After Obama caught the fainting woman during his speech, he remarked: "This is what happens when I talk too long."

Karmel Allison thanked Obama for catching her as she almost fainted on Twitter, saying: "I'm ok world- just got a little lightheaded.Thanks, @BarackObama for catching me! And good thing this pregnant diabetic is pregnant :)"

Her husband David Allison, said: "I almost bolted to the stage but thought twice about how that would look to the Secret Service. So glad she's ok."

Karmel Allison was standing behind Obama as a prospective beneficiary of the Affordable Care Act.  Allison's Type 1 diabetes has limited her insurance options due to concerns about coverage of pre-existing conditions.

Watch Obama catches fainting woman video here:  

Type 1 diabetes is a disorder of endocrine function that affects the body's ability to produce insulin, a hormone that enables the metabolism of sugar in cells.  Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in childhood.  

Signs of Type 1 diabetes include increased hunger and thirst, increased urination, weight loss, fatigue, and blurred vision.  

Type 1 diabetes can cause complications during pregnancy, so appropriate medical care is a necessary intervention.

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