Metal Gear Solid 5 Release Date News: Available For Xbox One? Game’s Developer Reveals It Won’t Be ‘Limited To One Console’

Metal Gear Solid 5 will not be "limited to one console," the game's developer Hideo Kojima revealed in an interview with IGN, leaving many wondering if the game will be available for Microsoft's Xbox One.

"When making [Metal Gear Solid V prologue chapter] Ground Zeroes," he said, "I wasn't thinking along the lines of 'what went wrong last time?' or 'what improvements do i need to make?' That's not really the way I work. I try to think 'what do I want to do?' Then I try to make that happen," writes.

"With Metal Gear Solid 4 we were somewhat limited technology-wise. At that point, I wanted to work on multi-platform development, which is why I started work on the Fox engine. I wanted to make something in an open world. Snake infiltrating in the rain, all those things I wanted to make six years ago, I think those are becoming a reality here in Ground Zeroes."

Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has suggested the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain gameplay experience will extend beyond consoles, once again alluding to second-screen features in the upcoming sequel, reports.

"Metal Gear Solid 4 was a turning point: the engine, the multi-platform and online elements," he told IGN.

"Moving forward I wanted to have a Metal Gear Solid that you could play on whatever you wanted, and that's how we created Peace Walker. Now we're presenting something again that's console-only, but that's not actually true of Metal Gear Solid 5."

Metal Gear Solid 5 will be split into two parts, Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain,  but the game's developer says Ground Zeroes will be a "more traditional Metal Gear game.," according to

"Ground Zeroes is a gentle introduction to that world," Kojima says as he introduces the live demo, according to the website.

"It's sort of like a tutorial, where you can enjoy the open world on a small scale but where it's still a more traditional Metal Gear game."

Metal Gear Solid 5 has captured the attention of gamers waiting for its release date, but one analyst suggests many people have not noticed how much the series has evolved over time.

"Kojima's never been shy about communicating an affection for western games and western culture, a passion made explicit with the recent opening of a Los Angeles arm of Kojima Productions," writes.

"That new perspective and workforce brings something else, too. Metal Gear Solid 5 is shooting for global superstardom, and for its place on the main stage alongside Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto and Elder Scrolls."

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