Sparks Middle School Students Remember High School Gunman In Nevada School Shooting As 'Nice Guy': 'He Would Make You Smile' Classmate Says

In yet another incident of gun violence in American schools, a 12 year old boy studying at Sparks Middle School, Nevada shot two students and a teacher before shooting himself to death.

The shooting that took place on Monday has again stirred the issue of school safety and violence in United States of America. Psychologists and academicians are also trying to trace patterns and symptoms for this kind of behavior in students. 

According to Amaya Newton, the schoolmate of the gunman student whose name has not been disclosed on grounds of privacy, he (the shooter) was a nice kid.

 "He was really a nice kid. He would make you smile when you were having a bad day," said Amaya. She also hinted at him being a victim of bullying but no concrete evidence has been found in that respect. 

Amaya expressed the possibility that the two wounded students were the shooter student's friends saying that she had seen them bully him.

The police are not hinting at probable reasons why the 12 year old student opened fire on his batch mates and later shot himself.

 Identifying the gun as Ruger 9mm semiautomatic, Sparks Deputy Police Chief Tom Miller said that the gun could have belonged to the student's parents.

The investigators have not disclosed the names of the injured students also. Their condition is stable.   

The Mathematics teacher Mike Landsberry was shot dead while trying to stop the gun-armed student from wounding other students. He went ahead to face the student, trying to talk to him out of dropping the gun, before he was shot.

He was a former Marine who served in Afghanistan and Kuwait. His students and colleagues have created a Facebook Memorial page for him. His intervention helped other students in fleeing the situation, after the gun-bearing student had wounded two boys.


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