Casey Anthony Attorney Defends 12-Year-Old Bully Linked To Rebecca Sedwick Suicide [VIDEO] Jose Baez Takes On Another Case To A Girl That Is Obviously Evil


Casey Anthony attorney, Jose Baez, will represent a 12-year-old Florida girl accused of bullying another 12-year-old who committed suicide.

Casey Anthony was acquitted of her charges with the help of her attorney Jose Baez, so will the power lawyer be able to help the 12-year-old girl get out of her felony aggravated stalking charges?

A 12-year-old and 14-year-old girl were both arrested for being in connection with Rebecca Sedwick's death. Polk County Sheriff Gardy Judd said the two girls were the main cause of Sedwick's suicide. The two girls apparently have shown no remorse for bullying Sewick for 18 months physically and in cyberspace yet Casey Athony's old attorney, Jose Baez, is happy to take on the case defending the unempathetic girls.

Sedwick committed suicide by climbing a tower at an abandoned concrete plant and jumped to her death. The constant bullying from as much as 15 girls was teh reason for her sucide.

"They did things like, 'You should die, you should drink bleach and die," said Judd. "You see a pattern of harassment, a pattern of intimidation and that's what they did. They intimidated this girl. They harassed her. She had no peace."

Reportedly Sedwick and the 12-year-old girl dated the same boy. The young bully was convinced to start harassing Sedwick by the 14-year-old girl.

The two young suspects are now under house arrest. If they are convicted, the sheriff says they are unlikely to face jail time because this is their first offense.

After bullying in schools is taking center stage as a main problem in youths, the terrorizing is still prominently going on. The girls harassed Sedwick in school but also on Facebook making bullying today an easy way to hurt someone from the privacy of children's home behind a computer screen. When will the bullying stop?

Do you think Jose Baez will get the 12-year-old off the hook on the felony charges?

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