Facebook Is ‘Irresponsible' - British Prime Minister After Social Network Lifts Ban On Violent Beheading Videos! Social Media Giant Justifies Move

Facebook will now allow postings of graphic violence including decapitation or beheading. They used to ban those videos but they have quietly lifted the prohibition.

In reaction, no less than the British Prime Minister David Cameron has tweeted.

The social media juggernaut issued a statement to justify their action. They explain that the purpose of letting those videos be seen is to allow people to condemn them. From the official Facebook statement:
“Facebook has long been a place where people turn to share their experiences, particularly when they're connected to controversial events on the ground, such as human rights abuses, acts of terrorism and other violent events.
People share videos of these events on Facebook to condemn them. If they were being celebrated, or the actions in them encouraged, our approach would be different.”

Facebook also added that they will place precautionary safety notifications and access warnings so the video would not be viewed inadvertently. Also, since Facebook allows minors (at least 13 years old) to join, they will also be protected.

Nevertheless, the action met massive condemnation. Stephen Balkam, the head of the Family Online Safety Institute, which is a charity on Facebook’s Safety Advisory Board, told BBC that there were no such warnings or notifications when he viewed the video. He narrates: “A beheading clearly crosses a line as to what they say in their own guidelines is acceptable. I went to have a look at the video and there's no warning label nor is there any condemnatory context. It's just sort of up there and the first image you are presented with is a woman's head being held by a guy. I'm very unhappy that these have gone back up and that they have gone up without any warning. First thing tomorrow morning I intend to raise this with Facebook.”

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