PS4 Vs. Xbox One Specs, Graphics, Sales ‘Almost Identical?’ Resident Evil Creator Says Both Next-Generation Consoles Are More Alike Than Expected

Resident Evil series creator Shinji Mikami says Xbox One and PS4 specifications are nearly identical, reports, leaving gamers wondering if both next-generation consoles are more alike than people expect.

"We only need one console," the Resident Evil creator said.

"Why do I have to make two versions of a game? And when Xbox One was first announced, it had lower specs than PS4, but now they're almost identical. So either will do."

Sony's Playstation 4 will earn more money than Microsoft's Xbox One and will end its competitor's 32-month top-selling-console streak, suggests, leaving many gamers wondering if the PS4 will really be more successful.

"Industry tracker NPD Group reported on Thursday that Microsoft's Xbox 360 was unseated as the country's hottest-selling console in September, while Sony's PS3 took the top honors. Microsoft had ruled over Sony's PS3 as well as Nintendo's Wii and eventually Wii U in the monthly retail market readings since January," writes.

"NPD is often taken to task for relying on physical retail -- sidestepping the booming e-tail and digital downloading markets in its base metric -- but that doesn't play much of a factor on the hardware end. If NPD says Sony outsold Microsoft for the first time since 2010, it probably happened."

United Kingdom retailer John Lewis is expecting greater interest in the Xbox One than the PlayStation 4 this holiday season and head technology buyer for the department store chain Jonathan Marsh told TrustedReviews that Microsoft has the advantage and its console will outsell the PS4, reports.

"We are expecting more interest in the Xbox One," Marsh told the website. "We are stocking both the PS4 and the Xbox One, but if we were to back one, we are thinking that Xbox One will appeal a bit more to our customers in terms of the experience it creates."

"If we had to edge one I would favor the Xbox One," he added.

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