Read Kate Gosselin AWFUL Cookbook Reviews![VIDEO] 'Waste Of Time And Money' And 'I Cooked Like This At Age 12!' Looking For Reality Show After Book Bombs

Kate Gosselin cookbook reviews are in and they are not good. The cookbook, Kate: Love Is In The Mix bombed with critics and customers making no money though Gosselin constantly tries to market the cookbook on twitter. 

The Gosselin cookbook is currently on pre-order and has been available for several weeks. However, the book is still only listed as #16,359 on Amazon's most popular books list and the cookbook reviews have been horrible. Kate has been constantly promoting the cookbook on her twitter account, her blog, and at book signings and is shocked how terrible the sales for the cookbook are so far.  

Some reviews on Amazon for the new Kate Gosselin cookbook are:

-What a terrible waste of time and money. Recipes seem to be recycled from the back of soup cans and internet recipe sites. You can do much,much better searching the Food Network or for free. Just My Opinion 

-Honestly I believe that anyone who writes a cookbook should have honest skills and training. This is a celebrity vanity book that happens to have a few non-original recipes. I cooked like this when I was 12 for my large family (under adult supervision).

-After previewing this in a local bookstore, my impression is this "cookbook" was nothing more than a money-making vehicle for Ms Gosselin that was hastily churned out, as there are several sloppy editing errors, along with mismatched photos. The premise for a Kate Gosselin "cookbook" lacks credibility--I've read articles where she has been quoted as saying she feeds only organic foods to her kids, so for me to believe her kids have eaten these recipes filled with non-organic, high-sodium, MSG-laced ingredients is difficult to swallow. No pun intended... 

Many of the recipes require high-sodium ingredients such as canned soup or shoyu, which I would NOT want to feed to my son. Cooking from cans is not my idea of a cookbook, and if I wanted to cook that way, I can order one of Campbell's cookbooks here on Amazon. At least their cookbooks are proofread, the recipes tested, and attractively and professionally presented. If Kate has to rely on high-sodium, MSG-laced ingredients in her recipes for flavoring, I have to question her qualifications to author a cookbook in the first place.

There wasn't anything new, creative or imaginative in this "cookbook", just very basic recipes that you can easily find on the internet; her recipes appear to be copied verbatim from recipe-sharing websites. Some of her recipes were vague on the quantity of ingredients, which indicates how amateurish this publishing endeavor was. I have yet to see a GOOD cookbook where several recipes do not list the exact amount for ingredients, so it appears there was no "testing" of these recipes.

This "cookbook" seems to be rehashed internet recipes along with rehashed old photos of her kids. It is a sordid attempt to stay relevant in the public eye and clearly a last-gasp attempt to cash in on the Gosselin name. 

-This book is full of unhealthy very basic recipes.Many are not original, contain canned ingredients and no exact measurement or crazy amounts of sodium, in some cases. Some recipes you can find on package backs or magazines. The photos of the family are ok, but not what you buy a cookbook for. The tips are basic and traditions have been seen before on the show Jon & Kate Plus Eight. I don't think the pictures represent the dishes either as there are ingredients not listed in the recipes at all.The book is just fraudulent in my opinion. 


On Twitter Kate Gosselin is tweeting cute pictures of her children and discussing the family friendly meals with her twitter followers to promote the cookbook. Yesterday Kate posts a picture of some cute baby ducks on Twitter, with the caption, "GM! I had 2 show u this photo! (Thx @SandieBellz) It's my LIFE and I love it! Got all my ducks (Gosselins) in a row!″. But all of the Twitter promotoins in the world can not make a terrible cookbook be successful. 

Why did the cookbook fail so badly? Critics believe that people want to buy a cookbook from people that they know can actually cook, not celebrities with reality shows.  And people that are her fans on Twitter are into television and social media, not so much hanging out in teh kitchen cooking. So what is Kate to do now that her cookbook is a bust? Gosselin is looking for a new reality show with her eight children but so far no networks seem interested in teh Kate Plus 8 star. Kate is getting worried about how she will make a living and support her kids after her cookbook, which she was relying heavily on, failed miserably.

If she can't find a reality show to star in how will Kate be able to support her children? After the cookbook was a complete failure Kate Gosselin might have to get a real job.  Kate has a degree in nursing and it may be time to give up the Hollywood dream and go back to her old job. Kate's got eight kids that need to eat!

That's not the end of Kate's problems. Kate Gosselin is worried about her kids after Jon Gosselin tragically fired a gun at a female photographer who was trying to snap a picture of him.  Though the photog was following Jon on his property when she shouldn't have, Kate Gosselin is obviously worried and protecting her kids from Jon and his outlandish behavior that could turn violent. Kate said on 'Bethenny' that she feels 'empathy' and 'pity' for Jon Gosselin but the compassion she feels toward her ex husband is not as strong as the need to shield her eight kids from Jon and his temper with weapons in the house.

Here's what happened: Kate Gosselin's ex husband Jon Gosselin, co star of 'Jon and Kate Plus 8,' pulled a gun on a female photographer yesterday and then fired a warning shot to get the photog off of his porperty. Gosselin, who was the star of a TLC the reality 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' pulled the gun out when the female photographer chased him down to his Pennsylvania cottage on Friday and trespassed on his land. Did Jon go too far and is he losing is mind living in the boondocks of Pa.?

Jon Gosselin, who now lives as a waiter in Beckersville, Pa., approached the photographer with a gun and fired a warning shot to scare the woman who was trying to get a picture of the ex reality star. Gosselin followed her all the way back to the main road to make sure she was no longer trespassing on his territory, firing a shot in the air.

The photog made a police report that Jon fired a shot in the air, but she declined to request that police take action. She was the one who was actually in the wrong trespassing on his land, so of course she took no further action as she could be in legal trouble as well if she took any further steps in getting Jon in trouble.

Since Jon split up with Kate he's been living a secluded life in the outskirts of Pennsylvania, living as a waiter at a restaurant.

He told "Entertainment Tonight" about living the simpler life:

"At first I was nervous because I was like, 'How are people going to react?'" Gosselin said. "But then I'm thinking 'Well it's fun and I get to talk to people.' And they technically already know me ... they're like 'Are you the guy?' I'm like 'Yeah, I'm the guy.'"

"You learn from your mistakes," he said. "That's what builds you to who you are today."

"I've hit rock bottom about 20 times, and then I bounce back again," he told ET.

Jon also admitted that he doesn't "have a relationship with Kate," and that they primarily communicate through text and email saying 'I don't physically see her."

 Radar Online and numerous other gossip websites reported that Jon Gosselin's child support payments to his ex-wife Kate are in arrears for the amount of $3,557.06. 

But at least Jon has a job. Kate has a degree in nursing and it may be time to give up on the Hollywood dream and do what's right for her eight children. 

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