'Spongebob Squarepants' Gravestone Sparks Controversy; Cemetery Takes Down Tribute To Murdered Iraqi War Veteran

A headstone made in the likeness of Spongebob Squarepants in an Army uniform was taken down by a cemetery. The family of the deceased want it restored.

Kimberly Walker was a 28 year old Army veteran who was found dead in her hotel room. Her boyfriend was charged with the murder. The family thought that her gravestone should reflect the most important things in her life: Spongebob Squarepants and  her service to the Army.

The family sought prior approval from Spring Grove Cemetery to erect a 7 foot headstone bearing the likeness of cartoon character, Spongebob Squarepants wearing an Army uniform with the deceased's name and rank. They also made a replica for the deceased's living twin sister.  

However, despite the cemetery officials giving prior approval, Cemetery President Gary Freytag announced that the headstones have been taken down and have contacted the Walker family to coordinate on possible replacements. In his statement released to the Associated Press: "We've decided that they aren't appropriate for our historic cemetery and they can't be displayed here. " He also mentioned that there was an error in judgment with the cemetery official who gave the approval.

Freytag continues: "I feel terrible that it got to this point but I'm hoping we can come out at the other end of the tunnel with a solution." He confirmed that Spring Grove will discuss possible designs with the family-like more traditional gravestones with smaller representations of Spongebob. They also offered to reimburse the family for the cost of the headstones, which amounts to $26,000. The meeting was set on Tuesday.

However, it seems like the Walker family will not take it easily.

Kara Walker, Kimberly's twin sister and an information technician for the US Navy stationed in Italy is currently in the country for a visit. She airs her disappointment to the Associated Press:"It is frustrating that you entrust a cemetery to have your best interest at heart and accommodate you and your family at a hard time ... and because they don't like it they're going to take it down. My sister served our country and most people try to accommodate veterans and try to take care of them. For them not to accommodate and respect what my sister sacrificed, not only for my family, but for everyone else in this country, really bothers me."

She also mentions that the entire family is "beyond distraught."

Kimberly Walker was am Army corporal. Her assignment as a petroleum supply specialist led her to serve two year-long tours of duty in Iraq. She was an avid Spongebob fan and she has even redecorated her room with designs of the character.

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