JonBenet Ramsey Case Update 2013: Grand Jury Alleges Parents As Accesories To Crime

The court documents on the Jon Bennet murder case was released last Friday. It showed that the Colorado grand jury voted in 1999 which indicts the parents of the JonBenet Ramsey, 6, to be charged with child abuse resulting to death and as well as accesories to the crime.

The DA also decided back in 1999 not fil file against John and Patricia Ramnsey due to insufficiency of evidence. Last 2008, a new DA was appointed and related new DNA evidence clears the parents and their son in the crime.

A Colorado court orders the release of the sealed court documents reviving the 1996 cold case, that is the death of JonBenet Ramsey, famous for her winning streaks at child beauty pageants, and now infamous for her death. The court documents were sealed back in 1999 after no charges were filed to disperse it.

The court documents indicated that the grand jury reached a decision o charge both John and Patricia Ramsey with two identical counts of murder.

Patricia Paugh Ramsey (who died last 2006 of ovarian cancer) as alleged by the grand jury, "permi t the child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed a threat of injury to the child's life or health which resulted in the death of Jon Benet Ramsey."

The grand jury also had alleged that each parent "did ... render assistance to a person, with intent to hinder, delay and prevent the discovery, detention, apprehension, prosecution, conviction and punishment of such person for the commission of a crime, knowing the person being assisted has committed and was suspected of the crime of murder in the first degree and child abuse resulting in death."

The documents, however, did not identify who that  "person" was. The grand jury had alleged that the couple of committed the offenses"on or between December 25 and December 26, 1996." JonBenet murdered body was found at the basement of the Ramsey's Boulder home the day after the Christmas of 1996.
Since the murder of JonBennet, John Ramsey and his late wife mantains they have no hand at the death of their daughter.

The Ramsey family wants to re-open all documents pertinent to the case.

Last Friday, John Ramsey's attorney requested to the DA to open and make public, "the entire grand jury record and not just 4 pages from an 18-month investigation that produced volumes of testimony and exhibits."

To be updated..

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