‘Battlefield 4’ Released For PS3, XBox 360, PC; Review: What Do The Critics Think?

"Battlefield 4" released for PS3, XBox 360, and PC. Find out what critics are saying about "Battlefield 4" in reviews for the PS3, XBox 360, and PC versions of the game.

"Battlefield 4" is getting very positive reviews, and holding its own while competing with the release of titles like "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag," HNGN reports. In reviews, critics are calling "Battlefield 4" the best of the series.

According to HNGN, critics in reviews are saying the gameplay controls have been "tweaked" to offer a better multiplayer experience in "Battlefield 4," but you're also given the option to use the old controls if you like them better.

IGN suggests "Battlefield 4" will play better on next-generation consoles, and overall gave the game an 8.5 out of 10:

"The current-gen version of Battlefield 4 isn't the ideal way to play, but it isn't damaged or deficient despite its limitations. It accomplishes less than you'll see on other platforms, but it's still a great multiplayer shooter that makes the most of its ambitions. DICE proves once again that destruction is a valuable strategic addition to competitive combat, even when it's a little ugly, and that battle reaches its full potential with two killer Commanders are bringing out the best in their squads. The campaign, on the other hand is a disappointing, but functioning and familiar game with overwhelming action and remarkable spectacle."

However, Gameinformer says the single-player story line isn't on par to its multiplayer action, rating the game a 8.75 out of 10, HNGN reports:

"Battlefield 4 doesn't advance the series in any significant way, but the subtle improvements provide enough incentive for multiplayer fans to invest heavily in the land, air, and sea battles. Given the underwhelming performance of yet another story campaign, maybe DICE was on to something in ignoring single-player altogether in Battlefield 1942. Imagine what the studio could do if it invested all that manpower into making its already good multiplayer experience even better."

Polygon, which gave "Battlefield 4" 7.5/10, had similar things to say in their review about single-player vs. multiplayer action: "DICE has failed once again to make Battlefield 4 a serious singleplayer contender. But its emphasis on ambitious, team-based multiplayer does wonders to wash the taste of that failure away. Battlefield 4 takes the elements that have made each installment work and glues them together successfully - even if some rough edges show here or there." 

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