Differentiating "Immortal Song 2" from "I am a Singer"

Both programs, "Immortal Song 2" and "I am a Singer", are very similiar in the sense that they both bring back the songs from the past. The program, "I am a Singer" drew so much of public attention with its participating artists who would rarely perform on the public broadcast shows. As a result, "Immortal Song 2" received some critisms for imitating the similar concepts from "I am a Singer." However, now that the first season of "I am a Singer" has ended, some view that "Immortal Song 2" gave a clear differentiation, and this is very obvious because "Immortal Song 2" remains on air while "I am a Singer" has decided to take a break by finishing up the season 1.

Although both programs focus on vocalists singing the popular songs from the past, "Immortal Song 2" has more freedom for both evaluators and artists. Even though "I am a Singer" gives more brilliant and fancy compositions that capture the attention, the idea of not eliminating anybody from "Immortal Song 2" allowed the artists to focus on their colors and styles better than the artists from "I am a Singer." Also, the concept of inviting a "legend" singer or composer gave fresh approach for the viewers off the set and the evaluators on the set.

"Immortal Song 2" might have gave a slower start than "I am a Singer," the winner at the finish line has changed.

Immortal Song
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