Was Shin Seung Hun always this funny?

Shin Seung Hun has become an irreplaceable presence in "Voice of Korea" with his sense of humor.

His sense of humor shined during the last episode of the show. Previously during "Great Birth" he had been a more serious mentor but it seems like he has decided to reveal a different side of his personality.

He even revealed the guts to be a bit 'arrogant' when contestants sang his songs during the audition. Shin Seung Hun laughed saying "My songs aren't as easy as they seem." When Gil asked in disbelief "Are you praising yourself?" he laughed and replied "Maybe a little."

He did not stop here. Shin Seung Hun rambled on saying "I think I'm an amazing lyricist" and Baek Ji Young laughed and replied that "I really love this side of you."

When a contestant confessed that his sister was Shin's ardent fan, he inquired "How old is she? Is she married?" Upon hearing that she was, his devastation and disappointment was comical.

With 22 years of singing under his belt, Shin is almost godly to many of the contestants. And such humorous and light personality is so unexpected coming from such a figure. But the "God of Ballads" has once again amazed the audience and contestants but this time through this new-found image.  

Shin Seung Hun
Voice of Korea
Great Birth
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