Mindy Kaling Shoots Back at Elle Magazine Critics; Feels Insulted; Tells Letterman `I Thought I've Never Looked Better'

Mindy Kaling thought she looked great on the cover of Elle Magazine. Mindy told David Letterman she thought she'd never looked better. Kaling says she felt insulted at the backlash. The controversy over Mindy Kaling's Elle cover ruined a good moment.

On Late Nigth With David Letterman, Mindy Kaling told the late night host, "I was for the first time on the cover of a fashion magazine, which is such an awesome, nice thing. I saw the cover . . . I thought I look so beautiful. I thought, 'Wow, I've never looked better.' I feel like I look like a movie star on it."

The star and creator of The Mindy Project loved her Elle cover debut until all the unwanted notice. Mindy said, "There was a weird reaction which was, 'Does Elle magazine think Mindy's not skinny enough to show her whole body like standing up from head to toe?'" Kaling explained. "The sort of implication, what they kept saying was like, 'What Elle, you can't put her big fat body on the magazine? Why because she's just fat and gruesome? Why shouldn't we look at her beautiful fat body?' "And I was like, 'Okay, people who are trying to defend me,'" the actress quipped. "I just feel like they're kind of insulting me!"

Mindy Kaling's Elle Magazine cover drew fire because it was a tight black and white close-up of the Mindy Kaling Project star's face. Elle magazine is facing accusations of cropping out her larger-than-waif-figure and obscuring her skin tone.

Kaling told Letterman "It's black and white. It looks like I died at my most beautiful," she joked. "It looks like this is a dead person that they're like, 'How could we have taken her away at so young. If only a million dollars for another second with this."

Elle magazine picked four young and rising women stars as cover girls for four different covers for its Women in TV issue. Amy Poehler, Allison Williams, Zooey Deschanel and Mindy Kaling were the Elle faces. Of the four, Mindy Kaling's cover was the only one rendered in black and white. The covers featuring Amy Poehler, Zooey Deschanel and Allison Williams all show them in nearly full-body color shots sporting high fashion. Mindy's picture was dramatically cropped as a close-up.

Critics say Elle was trying to hide Kaling's size 8-curves and darker looks.

This isn't the first time Elle was been called out on this. In November 2013 Elle faced similar charges for their Melissa McCarthy "Jacket-Gate" cover.

Plus-size fashion stylist Stefany Allen said "Mindy's photo is truly stunning, but it's lackluster compared to the other women's covers. Curvier women are definitely having their moment, and this could have been an opportunity to show how sexy diverse bodies are. If ELLE won't take a chance on a woman without model proportions, who will? The photo is also in black-and-white, which neutralizes Mindy's skin tone and it's difficult to know what color her jacket is."

Elle Magazine says it didn't intentionally highlight Mindy Kaling's face because she isn't as thin as the other TV stars. In a statement, Elle said "Mindy looks sexy, beautiful and chic. We think it is a striking and sophisticated cover and are thrilled to celebrate her in our Women in TV Issue."

Fashionista's Tyler McCall says "It could be a total coincidence-after all, when the internet got up in arms over Melissa McCarthy's covered-up treatment, both the star and the magazine spoke out to say that McCarthy herself picked out the coat that sparked the controversy."

Mindy Kaling took to Twitter to laugh the whole thing off, tweeting"Wishing for more skin on my @ELLEmagazine cover? Chris Messina & I are naked on a brand new #themindyproject tonight, ya pervs! 930/830 FOX," she writes on Twitter. "(It's actually, coincidentally, true. Thank heavens my writers constantly script nudity. So: super funny, totally nude Chris/Mindy tonight!)"

Kaling created Fox's The Mindy Project. 

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