‘Wolf Of Wall Street’ Actor Jonah Hill Received Minimum Wage For His Role; Is He Secretly Wishing To Be Paid $10 Million Like Leonardo DiCaprio?

While the 'Wolf of Wall Street' is deemed as a fulfilling film in terms of creativity, its actor Jonah Hill received a pay that was far from hefty. Apart from Hill, Leonardo DiCaprio is also in the film who reportedly received nearly 10 million dollars.

In 'Wolf of Wall Street', the 30-year-old actor plays the role of DiCaprio's wingman. Hill's performance is so convincing that he nabbed an Academy Award nomination. However, despite the notions that actors receive huge paychecks, Hill recently confessed that he didn't get much from the movie.

"They gave me the lowest amount of money possible, that was their offer. I think SAG minimum is something like $60,000 before commissions and taxes," Hill told The Howard Stern Show. When further asked by the host if he indeed got $60,000 for the movie, he responded: "Yeah, for an almost seven-month shoot."

Even if his 'Wolf of Wall Street' earnings are far from what DiCaprio made, Hill clarified that he would never complain about money: "It's not about money for me. None of this s**t is about money. I want to make money to pay my rent, and hopefully have a family one day and have kids and stuff."

Reports claim that Hill meticulously chooses his projects. Instead of checking how much he'll earn for each project, he initially assesses the story. 'Transformers' and 'The Hangover' reportedly offered him roles which he politely declined for he wanted an indie venture.

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wolf of wall street
jonah hill
Leonardo Dicaprio
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