Walking Dead Season 5 Casting and Spoilers: Who Will Be The Next Threat After the Governor? Negan? Who Will Replace Hershel? Abraham? Who Will Pay Frank Darabont? AMC?

The Walking Dead Season 5 Spoilers: The Walking Dead is in its mid-season break. Before the break, The Walking Dead lost the Governor and Hershel. Rick's group also lost the prison. They lost security. They lost people. Those people have to be replaced and not just by walkers. Walking Dead casting has begun.  Notices are springing up like infected zombies. No, don't go to your local CDC. Go to Atlanta, don't listen to Rick. Sure, it's been overrun by walkers but those walkers are getting paid to stumble around like that. And they're not the only Walking Dead characters getting cast.

The Walking Dead Season 5 also needs stumbled on parts. Big roles and small are being cast.

The Governor died last season. Hershel lost his head in Walking Dead Season 5. This leaves a vacuum. In the comics, the next good guy to hit the scene is Abraham. He's an ex-army guy from Texas who lost his wife and two daughters to the zombies. He's going to be very important to Rick.

The next bad guy, who's not a walker, is Negan. Negan leads a group of survivors called The Saviors. Negan's got a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire that he calls Lucille. I don't want to give too much away. And I can't anyway because The Walking Dead TV series veers so far off the path laid out by the comic books. They do that intentionally, by the way. It keeps fans guessing.

'The Walking Dead' Season 4 Spoilers: For anyone who's been keeping watch on 'The Walking Dead' Season 4, you already know that Rick's group has lost its moral compass. For those of you who are waiting for a binge-watch, if my headline hasn't ruined the ending yet, then SPOILER ALERT.

That out of the way, in the mid-season finale of "The Walking Dead," the veterinarian who is the closest thing to a doctor they have in the post-zombie apocalypse, Hershel Greene was ceremoniously killed by the Governor after Rick stood his ground and tried for inclusion. The Governor really went at it, not being the sure-handed swordsmith that M'Chone is. It took quite a few chops to get at Hershel's head off.

Well, that head is not lost. According to the man who played "The Walking Dead's" Hershel, the legendary actor Scott Wilson who co-starred with Robert Blake in the iconic film "In Cold Blood," got to keep the head. Really. He's got it in a closet.

Scott Wilson told Entertainment Weekly that seeing his head in the dirt on the screen wasn't the strangest thing he took home from "The Walking Dead."  Wilson said, "It's even odder to have your head in the closet in a bag. And I do have my head in a bag in the closet. ... Greg Nicotero and his group made a head for the episode and they made an extra one for me. ... Well, you put it in a trash bag and you put it in the closet. At least that's what I did."

Wilson says it's the strangest thing. Stranger than having his neck stretched in "In Cold Blood." He told EW, "Well, there is a connection there since both had to do with the head. Certainly I've had more recognition from this than anything I've ever done. I just hope this is not a bookend and that it's over. Hopefully I have a chapter or two left for Scott - if not for Hershel."

What advice does Wilson give for grieving Hershel fans? "Well, it's the nature of the show. It has been one hell of a fun ride. It's been very interesting and very fun working with very talented people."

The Walking Dead was renewed by AMC for a fifth season. The Walking Dead lost its creator Frank Darabont early on and it's been chomping along under new show runners without him. It hasn't hurt the ratings though. Filming for the fourth season wrapped up in late November.

Frank Darabont, who created "The Walking Dead" television series from a comic book, and his representatives, Creative Artists Agency are suing AMC Networks Inc. over profits from the hit zombie show.

Back in 2010, Frank Darabont delivered the "Walking Dead" to AMC after developing the series with CAA. Darabont was forced off the hit show just before the beginning of its second season. Darabont says AMC deprived them of "tens of millions of dollars" in profits.

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