Fury Movie Star Shia LaBeouf Is A ‘Brilliant And Committed Artist,’ Says Director David Ayer – Refuting Rumors About Issues On The Set

Fury Movie star Shia LaBeouf has been making headlines here and there, specially from the production of this new movie with Brad Pitt and the rest of the cast and crew.

It has been reported before by London's Daily Mail, which was published on January 4 that Shia has angered his co-star Brad Pitt and even their director David Ayer, for refusing to take a shower in order to internalize his role in the film.

The 'Transformers' actor is reportedly trying to make a point about his dedication for his job, by not taking a shower, however he's being warned by his co-stars on set including Brad Pitt and director David Ayer, according to Metro.co.uk.

Shia LaBeouf wanted to understand how it feels like being a soldier to further enhance his performance on the "Fury" film, and in order to do so "He [also] pulled out his own tooth during the first few weeks of filming," a source of  Daily Mail revealed. "And then refused to shower for weeks on end so he could better understand how his character would have felt living in the trenches."

"Shia was warned about his behavior by several people on set, including Brad Pitt and director David Ayer. Shia drove everyone mad on set," the source added.

After refusing Pitt's and Ayer's warnings, LaBeouf was forced to stay in a motel away from the rest of the cast and crew.

Shia was even seen promoting his movie "Nymphomaniac" with a missing tooth, which was posted on YouTube last Monday.

However, HuffPost Entertainment reported that director David Ayer made a statement refuting such problems in the set involving Fury movie star Shia LaBeouf.

"Shia is a wonderfully complex, brilliant and committed artist," Ayer said. "I could not be more pleased with our working relationship."

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