Arrow Season 2 Spoilers: Stephen Amell Speaks About A ‘Biggest Show’ For This Season; Show’s Star Revealed It’s The ‘Grandest’ Episode Yet!

Arrow season 2 cast Stephen Amell (who plays Oliver Queen) recently came to visit EW's Mandi Bierly for a brief interview for SiriusXM. And, Amell revealed some major spoilers on the show.

Amell talked about a special scene on episode 15, which he revealed to be the 'grandest' episode in the show.

The Arrow season 2 cast already revealed on his Facebook page last January 18 about the upcoming episode 15 entitled 'The Promise'.

According to the actor, "We have two more scenes to shoot on what has been the grandest, most challenging and most difficult episode of Arrow that we've ever shot. I also think it will be the best. Episode 15... It's called The Promise. Remember this post."

The post can be seen here:


Amell's recent visit to SiriusXM gave some more details on what to expect on episode 15, which will air on March 5.

Mandi Bierly asked, "So, what is the stunt we still have to look forward to that's going to wow us?"

Amell replied, "Episode 15 that we have coming up and this is breaking news... a little bit. But, it's an island-centric episode. So, we have one of those last year, episode 14 'The Odyssey' where we take our usual format of 75% in the time in starling city and 25% at the time in Lian Yu and we flip it outside down. And, we built a set for this episode. And, there's a shot where we established where we are and it's the biggest shot that we've ever done on the show. There's people getting blown up, there's people getting thrown overboard."

Amell continued, "All of these different incredible things happening and then the cameras zoom from way way way out and then it comes in and it ends on a close up of me. And, all I had to do was evade a punch and then bang a guy's head into the wall. And, I was super nervous that all of these things, all of these really complicated things earlier in the shot would happen, would go off without a hitch and I would screwed up. Thankfully, that didn't happen... I was nervous because I had the simplest thing to do. But, if I didn't do it then the whole shot was worthless."

Season 2 Spoilers
Stephen Amell
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