Project Ara Modular Phone Will Remain With Google Even After Motorola Mobility Buyout By Lenovo, To Be Part Of Android Development Team

Lenovo has recently shocked the tech world with its buyout of Motorola from Google. But it appears the intriguing Project Ara modular phone team will remain with the Android founder.  

According to a report by GSM Arena, a few hours after the official announcement of the purchase, word got out that Motorola's Advanced Technology group, as well as the Project Ara concept will remain with Google. 

Inspired by the Phonebloks concept which was launched last year, Motorola and Google began developing Project Ara, which was even announced by the former later last year. 

The smartphone's premise is both cool and practical - the device can be upgraded by taking away parts and placing more advanced ones. Some of the parts which can be upgraded include RAM and processor, the battery, screen, and even the camera. 

Of course, such project should include partnerships with other tech manufacturers in order to achieve the desired results. As Project Ara and its Motorola team transfers to Mountain View, we expect Google to work on it where it can use the company's Android platform. 

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