Captain America 2 Trailer Featuring ‘The Best Fight Scenes’ Seen On Film Says Ed Brubaker To Debut During Super Bowl 2014 Commercials

Hold your horses as Captain America 2 new trailer featuring "the best fight scenes" seen on film will be having its debut during the super bowl 2014 commercials, which will air at 6 p.m. on Sunday, February 2 on FOX Network.

Journalist Marc Graser on his January 21 tweet has confirmed this report: "#Marvel to show a new trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier during Super Bowl."

Captain America 2 Spoilers already include the revelation about Robert Redford's character as Alexander Pierce to become a villain in the film and now famous comic writer Ed Brubaker reveals how the second installment to the Star Spangled Banner's Super Hero film will become the best Marvel film ever created.

Ed Brubaker who wrote the source material for Captain America: The Winter Soldier hasn't seen the entire movie just yet, but from the clips and footages that he saw, he expects it to become Marvel's best film.

The famous comic writer talked to IGN about the film saying:

"It's the best movie that Marvel has ever made. The stuff I've seen from it, it also has two of the best fight scenes that I've ever seen on film... It's going to be amazing. It's gonna make a billion dollars. I got to go and be on set for awhile and watch them film and stuff. It was just amazing. I couldn't be happier with how it came out. Yeah, I can't wait for the premiere. I hope to get to actually talk to Robert Redford at it -- I got to shake his hand, but I didn't get to actually talk to him. He's like an honorary Brubaker, because my whole life people have come up to me like, 'Oh, like the Robert Redford movie!'"

Watch Captain America 2 Trailer Here:

And for more Captain America 2 spoilers, Brubaker had a chance to speak with Bleeding Cool about the film as well, saying how much of the comic has been adapted in the film:

"I don't know how much I'm allowed to say yet, but what I will say is that with everything I've seen and the script that I've read: It's the best movie that they've ever made. I was blown away, being on the set and getting to meet Redford and watching them do this stuff. The movie isn't a scene-for-scene adaptation of the comic by any means but there is a lot of the comic in the movie. There's certain moments in the movie where I'm just, 'Sh*t, that's what I wrote.' I'm really thrilled about it, I could not be happier, honestly. It came out so good."

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