iPad Pro Rumors: There May Not Be A 12.9" Apple Tablet At All, Research Firm Says No Volume Shipments Are Made Just Yet

iPad Pro rumors have been piling up the mill for months and some of the most popular ones include a bigger 12.9" display without Retina and a tablet-laptop hybrid design. 

However, a new report from a research firm analyst reports that people may not be able to see the bigger Apple tablet just yet. 

According to CNET, research firm IHS told them that the Cupertino manufacturer may indeed be considering the idea of a bigger slate, though it has not yet made a final decision whether to do it or not. 

Rhoda Alexander, the IHS director of tablet and monitor research, said "Some manufacturers over the last six months have received sample quantities of a larger panel. They're playing around with a product that could possibly be an iPad-related product."

"We have not seen volume shipments yet of any panels," she added. 

Since late last year, the iPad Pro rumors have been buzzing about the tech world as it marks Apple's first take on a bigger tablet. At that time, it could also be the world's first slate with more than 12 inches of screen real estate. 

However, as months pass by, some rumors become too good to be true that you'll be left wondering whether Apple really wants to release such a device that could compromise two of its most famous lineups, the Macbook Airs and the smaller iPads. 

As we progress through the year, we will see whether the iPad Pro bandwagon is still turning.

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