Skinny Puppy Band Wants US To Pay For Using Their Songs In Torture Activities; Rock Band Use Torture As Inspiration For Newest Album

Music can be painful at times. Sometimes, sad songs strike you straight to the heart and sometimes, they are just too loud for the ears to bear.

In the United States, a band's music is neither of the two. However, their music is used to 'inflict' pain on people.

Rock band Skinny Puppy is demanding the US government for allegedly using their song in torturing prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay. The group, which hails from Canada, told the Phoenix New Times that they have already sent an invoice to the US for a fee.

"We heard through a reliable grapevine that our music was being used in Guantanamo Bay prison camps to musically stun or torture people," founder Evin Key told the Phoenix New Times.

"We heard that our music was used on at least four occasions."


The band asking for fee for the US government's usage of their music doesn't sit well with the public. People think that they are supporting the torturing activities imposed by the authorities. However, Key cleared that they are against it.

"We never supported those types of scenarios... Because we make unsettling music, we can see it being used in a weird way. But it doesn't sit right with us."


Still, knowing that it is their product being used without their authorization, the band would still pursue payments from the White House. Their latest album called Weapons is inspired by the unacceptable Guantanamo Bay system.

"Thus the concept of the [band's new] record title, Weapons," Key said.

Skinny Puppy is not the first musician to be dragged on the US's inhumane works. Last year, metal band Metallica asked the US Army to stop using their music during tough interrogation process in Iraq. One member of the US Navy Seal who were credited for capturing Osama Bin Laden revealed that they use Metallica songs while they force prisoners to answer their questions.

In an interview with Esquire, the man said:

'When we first started the war in Iraq, we were using Metallica music to soften people up before we interrogated them. ... Metallica got wind of this and they said, "Hey, please don't use our music because we don't want to promote violence."

skinny puppy
US government
Guantanamo Bay
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