Pope Francis News: The Pontiff Is Now A ‘Pop Icon’ Following His Rolling Stone Magazine Cover – ‘Papal Events Attendance Tripled To 6.6 Million’

We've got some rocking Pope Francis news here! Well at least for the Rolling Stone magazine he is. For the first time in history, a pontiff has graced the cover of a rock and roll magazine (Rolling Stone).

The world is about to witness Pope Francis as the music magazine will roll out its February issue a day before Valentine's with an appropriate title, "The Times They Are A-Changin'."

First, he defeated Miley Cyrus for bagging the TIME Person of the Year recognition, now the Pope has followed the footsteps of the pop star as he graced the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

The 77-year old Pope has fired up the Catholic faith, making him one famous Pope who has reached millions of people's lives including the gay community.

People from different walks of life has been very curious about Pope Francis news, checking his every movie and words that he would utter.

"Eventually, he moves to greet the crowd. Benedict, a dour academic, kept this portion of the general audience to a minimum," Mark Binelli penned, taking note that the attendance during papal events has tripled to 6.6 million since he claimed the Papal seat on March 2013. "But Francis, like Bill Clinton, thrives on personal contact, and he spends the better part of an hour greeting believers."

He continued saying: "Francis has consistently confounded expectations with the simplest of gestures: surprising desk clerks at the hotel where he'd been staying during the papal conclave by showing up to pay his own bill ... cracking up cardinals with jokes at his own expense hours after being elected (to those assembled at his first official dinner as pope, he deadpanned, 'May God forgive you for what you've done')."

The article featured on the Rolling Stone magazine also covered Pope Francis' life and views, including his controversial quote "Who am I to judge" gay people.

"Aside from the entirely mind-blowing fact of a supposedly infallible pope asking this question at all, his answer is never really translated properly," writes Binelli. "What he actually says is, 'Mah, who am I to judge?' In Italian, 'mah' is an interjection with no exact English parallel, sort of the verbal equivalent of an emphatic shrug."

In conclusion, Binelli penned: "My dad's use of 'mah' most often precedes his resignedly pouring another splash of grappa into his coffee. The closest translation I can come up with is 'Look, who the hell knows?' If you watch the video, Francis even pinches his fingers together for extra Italian emphasis. Then he flashes a knowing smirk."

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