Coke Commercial Superbowl 2014: Racist Reaction Sparks Social Media Frenzy! 'Boycott Coke' Hashtag Is Trending!

The one-minute Coca Cola commercial depicting the song “America The Beautiful” in seven languages had the idea to showcase the nation’s diversity. However, the initial reaction was totally the opposite of what they wanted.

From the company’s official release (via “For 127 years, Coca-Cola has been proud to be a part of bringing friends and families together while memories are made,” said Katie Bayne, president, North America Brands,Coca-Cola North America. "With ‘It’s Beautiful,’ we are simply showing that America is beautiful, and Coke is for everyone.”
A lot of people totally missed the point, most of them are from the conservative block.
Tea Party Congressman Allen West was one of the first to sound off. In his own site,, he observes:
“Then the words went from English to languages I didn’t recognize. Now, I know the politically correct thing is to foster multiculturalism — working really well in Europe — but we should remember the words spoken by President Teddy Roosevelt.”
(Excerpt from the Roosevelt quote: “We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”)
Conservative Radio personality Glenn Beck said that the ad was meant to "divide us politically".
From his radio show on Monday, as transcribed by Salon: "If you don't like [the commercial], if you're offended by it, then you're a racist. If you do like it, well then you're for immigration. That's what it is."
Other comments: "Nice to see that coke likes to sing an AMERICAN song in the terrorist's language. Way to go coke. You can leave America. “
Of course, no social media conflict would be complete without Twitter. From Fox News’ Todd Starnes:

However, there were those who defended the commercial, stating that conservative, territorial thinking is a thing of the past.

The hashtag Boycott Coke (#BoycottCoke) was used by both sides.

Also, in case viewers were too busy with the race wars:

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