Europe, Australia, New Zealand Pokemon Bank Release Incenses US X And Y Fans Still Waiting For Release Date: Celebi Event Still Active!

For those still waiting for the Pokemon Bank to get a release date, there is at least development for X and Y fans in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

As of today, Pokemon Bank version 1.1 has gone live in these select regions, and the free trial will continue until March 14, 2014.

In addition, the Celebi event is still available as well, and will remain active until September 30, 2014.

This event will be activated if you deposit Pokemon from Pokemon Bank for the first time, and works whether you're on the paid subscription or the free trial. The next time you load the Pokemon Bank up, Bridgette will bestow the Celebi upon you.

Unfortunately, a release date is still uncertain for US Pokemon fans, but the recent development in various English-speaking regions means that it must be imminent.

Still, after over a month of delay, US Pokemon fans are still incensed that the region will be the last to receive the Pokemon Bank service.

Hopefully in a week or so, Pokemon Bank will be released around the world!

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