The Lego Movie Reviews: Critics Rave About Groundbreaking Warner Bros. Film; Projected To Rake In Profits At The Box Office

"The Lego Movie" reviews seem to have one common theme among all its critics-- everybody couldn't seem to stop talking about the characters and animation.

Robbie Collin, chief film critic of UK's Telegraph, called "The Lego Movie" an "uproariously funny family adventure" that would have made Andy Warhol proud.

"The new animation from Warner Bros. takes art and commerce and clicks them together as naturally and satisfyingly as a pair of plastic bricks on their way to becoming a castle or spaceship," he wrote in "The Lego Movie" review.

He said he never once felt that the film was pushing a product but ended up with a sudden urge to buy Legos after leaving the movie theater.

"That's largely because The Lego Movie is swooningly in love with the Lego brick itself: its look, its feel, its clutchable there-ness. The film is computer-generated, but it looks like an old-fashioned stop-motion production. Individual bricks and figures come scratched, scuffed and smeared with fingerprints. The Lego world looks lived-in. No, even better: played-with," he added.

Marshall Fine, film critic who writes for, confessed that he found himself laughing more than he thought he would.

"The Lego Movie" is a treat: that rare early-in-the-year release that will not only amuse kids and parents alike, but let the adults keep laughing during the repeated viewings that inevitably will result when it reaches home video," he wrote.

Meanwhile, Scott Mendelson wrote an article for Forbes on February 3 predicting that "The Lego Movie" seems "like the very definition of a four-quadrant smash hit, and I'm comfortable predicting as much."

"Come what may, The Lego Movie is likely the start of a new animated franchise," he said. "Again, at a cost of $60 million, it's going to be profitable even if it merely plays 'okay' during the next month or two.

"But in all likelihood, 'The Lego Movie' will be a big hit that will not only sell countless new Lego sets, but also be the first building block towards reestablishing Warner Bros. as an animation powerhouse," Mendelson concluded.

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