Lebron Flop Vine: [WATCH HERE!]Could Be This Adam Silver's First Fine? The King Does it Twice On The Same Play! Will New Commish Take On NBA’s Biggest Star?

The latest Lebron Flop Vine features the King making another groundbreaking gem for the “Lebroning” crew. James makes two flops on the same play! Is that even possible?

With Lebron James, anything is possible. His insane overall statistics, his MVP candidacy despite ranking no. 19 in field goal attempts, taking a jumpshot over the backboard and his long list of speactacular alley-oops and chase down blocks. In short, Lebron James is a pretty good player.

Lebron James is a walking phenomenon, so it is a puzzle why he has to resort to flopping. Perhaps it is his obsession to master every aspect of the game, every strategy to win. That the best way to beat the best players is to take them off the court.

Every Lebron action results in massive internet reaction, and James would not want it any other way. However, that applies even to the negative. A series of videos have gone viral on Youtube, imitating flops and calling it “Lebroning.” Were they hoping to catch Lebron’s attention to make him stop, or even reconsider flopping and what it does to his precious brand?

This vine video shows that they have failed miserably.

‘New Commissioner’ is a phrase the NBA has not used in 20 years. Adam Silver has a baptism of fire ahead of him. The game’s biggest superstar is under scrutiny. Under the league’s official definition (nba.com):

“’Flopping’ will be defined as any physical act that appears to have been intended to cause the referees to call a foul on another player. The primary factor in determining whether a player committed a flop is whether his physical reaction to contact with another player is inconsistent with what would reasonably be expected given the force or direction of the contact.”

It didn’t just ‘intend to cause the referees to call a foul on another player.’ The referees did!

Lebron flop
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