Red Hot Chili Peppers Super Bowl Performance In Hot Water For Their Unplugged Guitars; Band Says It Was Part Of The Plan

The Super Bowl half time performance by Bruno Mars featuring the Red Hot Chili Peppers didn't exactly pleased fans after learning that the band's guitarists and bassist didn't 'actually' play live. Many people noticed that members of the band's instruments weren't plugged, sparking rage from spectators.

However, according to Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist, what they did during the half time show was part of the agreement. He said that it is their way to help the league when it comes to minimizing production time and cost of the show. Flea spoke in behalf of the band through a statement he wrote on their website. According to him, "it was made clear to us that the vocals would be live, but the bass, drums, and guitar would be pre-recorded. I understand the NFL's stance on this, given they only have a few minutes to set up the stage, there a zillion things that could go wrong and ruin the sound for the folks watching in the stadium and the t.v. viewers. There was not any room for argument on this, the NFL does not want to risk their show being botched by bad sound, period."



The band was also scrutinized for miming the lyrics of their song Give It Away but Flea cleared that they are against it.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers stance on any sort of miming has been that we will absolutely not do it. The last time we did it (or tried to) was in the late 80's, we were thrown off of 'The Top Of the Pops' television program in the U.K. during rehearsals because we refused to mime properly, I played bass with my shoe, John played guitar atop Anthony's shoulders, and we basically had a wrestling match onstage, making a mockery of the idea that it was a real live performance.


In the end, he thanked the NFL and promised that the band will do everything to grow "as musicians and songwriters, and to continue to play our guts out live onstage for anyone who wants to get their brains blown out."


Read the full statement here:

red hot chili peppers
Super Bowl
half time show
Bruno Mars
unplugged guitar
performance controversy
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