Samsung Galaxy S5 Release Date: New Flagship Handset Reportedly Boasts Powerhouse Specs, Includes QHD Display, 3GB Of RAM, 16MP Shooter

As the Samsung Galaxy S5 release date approaches, Samsung is not taking any chances and looks to squeeze every possible high-end spec to its newest flagship device.  

With the sheer number of specs it has, the Galaxy S5 could be the top Android phone to beat this time of the year when it launches later this month at the Samsung press event at MWC in Barcelona. 

But what exactly does that mean?

It only means other OEMs will once again strive to do better than Samsung, but they won't be able to do so if they would announce their phones ahead of the Galaxy S5. On the other hand, releasing their flagships later would already give Samsung a significant headstart in the market. So it's a no-win situation for them. 

But what does the Galaxy S5 have in store?

According to previous reports and rumors, the new high-end phablet will feature a 5.24-inch display packed with Quad-HD (2560 x 1440) resolution, 3GB of RAM for maximum multitasking capabilities, a quad-core Snapdragon 805 chipset or an octa-core Exynos 6 processor depending version, and a 16MP primary camera. 

There would be 32GB and 64GB of internal storage options, and a 3,200mAh battery which is surprisingly low for a flagship device. 

We'll let you know more about the Galaxy S5 release date and details in the coming weeks. 

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