Monday Night Raw Results 2/17: WWE Raw Recap Feb. 17 2014 – Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Christian, Cesaro And John Cena Gets Dirty On Raw

Monday Night Raw Results 2/17: WWE Raw Recap Feb. 17 2014: The Monday night edition aired in the Pepsi Center Arena in Denver where John Cena opened the night prepping the fans and himself for the PPV weekend, where he will have to defend is championship belt in the elimination chamber against five opponents, namely Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Christian and Cesaro.

One by one, the opponents of Cena in Sunday's event came out, out shining each other with words saying they would surely put the other wrestlers down on their finishing moves.

Daniel Bryan completed the contenders' appearances in Raw saying the arena will be filled with "Yes!" chants when he gets the win on Sunday.

It didn't take so long before Corporate Kane made his appearance setting matches for each of them that night. Cesaro was set to face Cena and at the very moment to start Raw, Daniel Bryan would face Christian.

Christian got his head start when he pounded on Bryan, which earned him a lot of boos from the crowd, before the match officially started.

Bryan won when he finished off Christian after a reversal of a Killswitch attempt to a pinfall.

However, Bryan's night wasn't over as Kane announced that he had another match set up for the "Yes" man. He announced that he would be the next opponent of Bryan, which started immediately.

Kane got disqualified in the match after he refused to break the count after smashing Bryan's arm on the steel steps.

In John Cena's match, he won against Antonio Cesaro after the Attitude Adjustment. After the match however, Cesaro was too determined to get an advantage for the PPV event that he beat the living hell out of Cena.

The Sheamus and Orton match that closed the Monday night show ended with a disqualification when The Shield went in the ring and beat up the other wrestlers that caused the disqualification. All contenders for the chamber match ran in the ring as well that caused chaos in the arena. After Cena, Cesaro and Bryan went in, The Wyatt Family's music played and all three of them run in the ring that caused more chaos among all the wrestlers, which also signaled the end of the show.

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