‘Interstellar’ Movie Teaser Released![VIDEO] Mysterious Images Include Corn Fields And Outer Space! What Is The Film About?

"Interstellar" movie teaser was released and it's getting a lot of attention from viewers. 

The movie is the latest project from Christopher Nolan, Academy Award Nominee for "Inception." Not much has leaked about the movie, and the teaser is very vague.

There are some facts that have been shared about the movie. It was inspired by the theories of theoretical physicist, gravitational physicist and astrophysicist Kip Thorne. There is space exploration involved, and the explorers will use a "wormhole" to break through the physical limitations that has made interstellar travel all but impossible.

The teaser trailer showed images of a cornfield and archival footage from the Dust Bowl, which is described as "the worst man-made ecological disaster in American history" from a PBS TV special. Then it proceeds to show archival footage of breaking the sound barrier, rockets going to outer space, astronauts, sad Matthew Conaughey driving on a dirt road and children looking up at a launched rocket ship.

There is also this voiceover by Matthew McConaughey's character named "Cooper" (according to Movieweb.com): "We've always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments, these moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. But we lost all that. Perhaps we've just forgotten... that we are still pioneers, that we've barely begun, and that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us. Because our destiny lies above us." (Transcript from Youtube user Dumb Drum)

The corn and the Dust Bowl, being the worst ecological disaster, plays a significant role. It suggests an ecological collapse, as discussed in Movieweb.com: "..corn plays an important part of the storyline. So does farming and bio-fuel."

The images are also being deciphered by MTV:

"..there's still the possibility that the rumor that "Interstellar" is about corn becoming the only crop left on earth is a bunch of bull. But then again, the plant is the very first thing the trailer shows, before cutting to archival footage from the Dust Bowl. Could a modern-day equivalent of that national disaster drive man to look to the stars for help as the rumors suggest?"

Apparently yes. There are enough images which suggest that McConaughey's character, will travel into space. There are also clues that he may have been involved in space travel before but he abandoned the idea, examples are the image of the dust filled space shuttle toy, and the line "But we lost all that, Perhaps we've just forgotten.."

While the title is "Interstellar," there are persistent rumors that the movie will feature time travel of some sort, especially since it is based on Kip Thorne's writings. From Movieweb.com:

"And in using the theories of Kip Thorne, we, as film goers, will get a first hand account of what real, true time travel looks and feels like. And what it is possible of doing to the mind, body and soul in real time. Of course, these are all 'time travel theories', but as we stated before, it is all based in scientific fact."

"Interstellar " is Christopher Nolan's attempt to make a sci-fi movie that is based on "possible fact" which is based on Thorne's theories. The movie will be released on Nov. 7, 2014.

Christopher Nolan
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