Korn Singer Jonathan Davis Says Obama Is Hypnotizing America With Miley Cyrus in a Plot to Become Dictator (VIDEO)

Korn singer Jonathan Davis is getting in on the world of conspiracies. In the new Korn music video, the band explores how the media is distracting the public from what's really going on.

And what's really going on, according to the Korn singer, is that President Obama is using Miley Cyrus to distract America while be becomes a tyrannical dictator.

No? In January 2012, Obama signed a law that let the government hold citizens indefinitely without trial while everyone else was reading about Miley Cyrus and a penis cake.

This isn't new, there was a major massacre in Africa on the day OJ Simpson's gloves didn't fit. President Clinton looked like he blew missiles into nations every time news came out about a presidential peccadillo and Bush, there was so much subterfuge happening at the time, it would be a whole other article.

Jonathan Davis was sidelined by reporters at LAX after he said government leaders undermine our freedoms while we're busy watching Kanye West and Miley Cyrus.

The reporters asked about the message behind Korn's "Spike in My Veins" and Davis explained "For a long time, I've been into what's going on with our country. I don't necessarily consider myself a political person, but over the years, I've seen what's been going on, and it's time to do something about what's going on with our country and the system and everything that's going on."

Korn's singer says the United States is turning into "Police State."

On February 17, Jonathan Davis appeared on the conspiracy program "The Alex Jones Show."

He hold the host "It seems really sad that everybody's so asleep and oblivious to the fact that the country uses the media to capture people's attention or take away from the fact that what's going on with our country. It really freaked me out when the whole Miley Cyrus thing was going on, and when that went down, [President] Barack [Obama] passed that new law that he can imprison anyone he wants and he doesn't have to charge them and he can keep them as long as he wants.

So what does Davis think is going on? He explained "Basically, all our liberties are being taken away one by one, and finally, I feel like it's time... I've gotta do something and try and get as many people as we can to wake up and see what's really going on."

So what does the title of the band's "The Paradigm Shift" refer to? Davis said: "I think it's time for us as normal people to come up and fight against the powers that be. ... It's a scary time, and I think that someone's gotta do it in our position, someone's gotta speak out to the younger audience and let them know what's going on and how to wake up and take back their privacy."

That sounds very 1984, George Orwell to me. The Korn singer told the show "Big Brother is alive and well. I mean, you're looking at me on my camera phone. It wasn't about putting up cameras. I think we've already got cameras everywhere. You can't tell me that there's no backdoors for everybody to see, so that the powers that be can see what we're doing and watch what we're doing at all times. And I'm not comfortable with that. "

But really, Obama, a Dictator? Davis told Jones "I mean, I've said it before. I think he's an illuminati puppet. It just doesn't make sense, the whole thing. The guy comes from out of nowhere, he gets made president, all this stuff starts happening. I don't know... It just didn't make sense to me. And to top top it off, I'm not really a political person, I don't know much about it, I'm just worried about my privacy and my children's privacy. This being America, we're supposed to be the 'land of the free,' and it's becoming a police state."

"The Paradigm Shift" debuted at No. 8 on Billboard. Korn's CD hit shelves on October 8, 2013.

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